How do I see how many devices I am currently signed into my Office Subscription with?

All Susquehanna Students, Faculty, and Staff have access to download the Microsoft 365 Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, etc.) on up to 5 computers (Mac/ PC) and 5 mobile devices (tablets and smart phones). If you exceed that count, your Microsoft 365 apps may "de-license" or not activate properly. 

The best fix to this is to remove any unknown or un-used devices from your account. To do this:

  1. Go to and log in with your SU account
  2. Click "View apps & devices"

  3. Click the down arrow next to devices

  4. A list of all devices where you are currently signed into Office will appear. To remove one, click "Sign Out" next to the one you want to remove.

  5. A confirmation pop up will appear. Select "Sign Out"

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Wed 2/7/24 8:09 AM
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