How do I connect an Android device to eduroam?

For Android 13 or earlier

  1. On your Android device, go to Settings, then tap Wireless & networks, then Wi-Fi settings.
  2. Tap eduroam.
  3. Make sure that for EAP method, PEAP is selected.
  4. Tap Phase 2 authentication, and then select MSCHAPV2.
  5. Enter:
    Username: Your full email address, for example
    Password: Your SU password.
  6. For CA certificate, select Do not validate
  7. Tap Connect.














For Android 14 or later

  1. On your Android device, go to Settings, then tap Wireless & networks, then Wi-Fi settings.
  2. Tap eduroam.
  3. Make sure that for EAP method, PEAP is selected.
  4. Tap Phase 2 authentication, and then select MSCHAPV2.
  5. For CA certificate, select Use system certificates
  6. For Online Certificate Status, select Do not verify
  7. Enter:
    Domain: ​​​​​​
    Username: Your full email address, for example​​​​​​
    Anonymous Identity: This area should be BLANK. If the word "anonymous" is present, please delete it.
  8. Password: Your SU password.
  9. Tap Connect.












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