Is Google Forms recommended for use at SU? What are SU's recommended form tools?

Susquehanna recipients receiving a Google Forms notification via email will be strongly discouraged from interacting with it.  Upon clicking a Google Forms link in an email, the recipient will be warned of its high potential to be malicious (but can bypass this at their own risk):

Why?  Google Forms is the #1 attack vector phishing attacks on SU.  While we know that Google Forms has legitimate uses, it is one of the most popular methods for phishing / fake logon forms.  Since Susquehanna is not on the Gmail/Google platform, we do not endorse it for campus use, which is why we added it to our block list in email links.  Since some folks may still have a need to access a legitimate Google Form from an external partner, we allow users to click through, after the very noticeable warning about it being potentially malicious.  We are not able to omit a single Google Form, it’s all or nothing.
Aside from the phishing, we discourage employees’ use of Google Forms for university business for other reasons:

  • We’re not able to support forms in an environment we don’t manage (Google Apps)
  • It causes confusion/support issues if the form author requires logging in to complete the form (as users cannot use their SU credentials in the Google ecosystem, and would need to have/create a personal Google account)
  • Use may violate our data classification policies depending on the type of data being collected, as we have no access to audit/secure the submission data (in the event that it’s sensitive data)
  • We cannot transition the form during staffing changes
  • It causes confusion in identifying legitimate university forms by hosting them in an environment we tell folks to be leery of
  • We have limited options to request Google to remove malicious forms in a timely manner, since we are not a Google Apps customer

We ask that employees utilize our university-supported form platforms via their SU credentials:
Microsoft Forms:
(self-service, most similar to Google Forms)

Training for Microsoft Forms can be found here:

(self-service, more robust for workflows and metrics)
(Offers advanced workflows and SU systems integration.  Please submit an IT request for help with this tool.)


Article ID: 143478
Fri 12/9/22 3:46 PM
Mon 12/11/23 7:32 PM