Copying Specific Materials from One Canvas Course to Another

Tags canvas

If there is a specific file, assignment, quiz, module etc. that you would like to copy into another course, follow the directions below.


  1. Go to the course that houses the material you want to copy into another course
  2. To the right side of the material, click on the ellipses and select ‘Copy To...’ from the menu that appears

  3. In the provided search bar, begin typing the name of the course you would like to copy to material to

  4. Once you select the course, you have an optional step that appears that allows you to migrate the material into a specific module. If you would like to do this, select the module you would like to migrate the material into from the list that appears

  5. Decide the placement with the module

  6. Click ‘Copy’ when finished


Article ID: 148537
Tue 12/19/23 9:08 AM
Fri 1/5/24 4:39 PM