Canvas Folio

Folio allows you to create an academic portfolio that showcases your education, workaccomplishments, and allows you to connect with professionals. Folio is available through a
partnership with Portfolium – anything stored in your Folio can be accessed through Portfolium even after graduating. Before you graduate, be sure to change your email address to a private email and not your student account.

  1. Log in to Canvas (
  2. Click on ‘Account’ in the Global Navigation Menu
  3. Click on ‘Folio’ from the menu

  4. Begin building your profile
    1. It is going to ask you to create a free Portfolium account

  5. Import your work from Canvas to highlight what you are capable of doing

  6. Upload your resume to network with potential employers and internships
    1. If you imported work into your account, you can use those projects, assignments to showcase your skills to these employers. Helps you go beyond just what is listed on your resume.



Article ID: 148539
Tue 12/19/23 9:22 AM
Fri 1/5/24 4:38 PM