How do I login to the Canvas Mobile App?

Please refer to these instructions to Install the Canvas Mobile App:

Logging into the Canvas mobile app requires the use of your mobile device’s camera to scan a QR code and a laptop or desktop computer to display the QR code.

  1. On your mobile device, tap on the installed Canvas mobile app to open it.
  2. In the Canvas mobile app, tap on QR Login.

  3. The next screen of the app will display simple directions. Read them and tap on Next.

  4. The Canvas mobile app will activate the camera on your device. Approve any messages that may display on your mobile device to allow the Canvas mobile app to access the camera.
  5. Using the camera on your mobile device, scan the QR code that will be displayed on your laptop or desktop computer after following the next set of instructions.


From your Laptop or Desktop Computer:

  1. Log in to Canvas
  2. On the Canvas landing page, A) click on Account. Then, B) click on QR for Mobile Login

  3. A pop up window will display with a warning about allowing others to view the QR code. Read the message and click on Proceed when you are ready.

  4. The QR code will display on the screen of your laptop or desktop. Using your mobile device from the previous set of instructions, put the QR code in the frame of the camera. The Canvas mobile app will automatically process the QR code and log in to your account.
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Article ID: 148541
Tue 12/19/23 9:44 AM
Fri 1/5/24 4:37 PM